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Thought Leadership for the Healthcare Industry

Shaping the Future of the Health Care Industry

Fellow Health Partners is a global standout—both for the extra money it brings clients and its customer-first approach. Medical billing is the backbone of the health care industry as it’s how doctors and providers get paid. Before Michael N. Brown founded Fellow Health Partners, billing options for health care providers were both archaic and “almost…

Michael N. Brown, CEO of Fellow Health Partners, Reveals How Trust and Technology are Transforming Medical Billing

Tyler Shepherd Contributor Medical billing is a critical part of the U.S. healthcare system, which continues to experience consistent growth. Healthcare spending in the U.S. rose 7.5% to $4.8 trillion in 2023. In a multi-payer system such as the U.S., healthcare providers may be paid by multiple entities, including the government (Medicare and Medicaid), private…

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